tirsdag den 3. oktober 2017

Voices of Africa

 Wanlov the Kubolor is a voice from africa

Wanlov the Kubolor was born in Ghana 1980. He is a music artist, that takes the music from Ghana and mixes it with hip hop and rap. In 2007 he released a album called Green card. He is also a political activist. His real name is Emmanuel Owusu Bonsu. He also made 3 other albums called yellow card, orange card and brown card. Wanlov the kubolor haves 5 children Abonsamposuro, Tivi Lili, Mali Wasty, Ama Manpi and Kojolescu Alata Mori. He had 5 wifes.

My opinion about Wanlov the Kubolor

I think he is a good person because he never did something bad and he is a great person. I dont like his music but its better than something like justin biebers music. He is my favorite person from africa that i read about. 


I Couldnt find any facts or fakta apart from the text i wrote :/